Friday, April 10, 2020


Currently action on this blog shall tread the path of the veil of resignation.  We began with "9" , The High Path;  : "1", The Sublime Low, through the midpoint of resignation;  : and "9", The end, the results of which shall eventually come to pass, possibly becoming apparent only after the actions of those with whom surround me in this endeavor have reencompassed me in their light, bridging us together into God's High Path .  Great is This Day of God.

I will share the wisdom I created several years ago, in this drawing:  The light that all religions are from the same God, and may eventually, through the enlightenment brought forth through meditation and subsequent action, resolve their differences and be brought together under the unity and umbrella of Universal Peace. ❤ 

"...Distance is annihilated and prevents not the close and intimate association of two souls that are closely attached in heart even though they may be in two different countries..."

'Abdu'l - Bahá, Selections from the Writings of 'Abdu'l - Bahá

"O SERVANT of Bahá! Be self-sacrificing in the path of God, and wing thy flight unto the heavens of the love of the Abhá Beauty, for any movement animated by love moveth from the periphery to the center, from space to the Daystar of the universe. Perchance thou deemest this to be difficult, but I tell thee that such cannot be the case, for when the motivating and guiding power is the divine force of magnetism it is possible, by its aid, to traverse time and space easily and swiftly. Glory be upon the people of Bahá."

'Abdu'l - Bahá, Selections from the Writings of 'Abdu'l - Bahá

The Deceptive History of "Q": A Call Toward Enlightenment and Action Within the Hoaxed "Q-Anon" Counterintelligence Conspiratorial Movement, et. al.

The American and British involvement within the Order of the Illuminati, et. al. is described at length in Jordan Maxwell's ...