Saturday, June 19, 2021

The Impending Need of Becoming an Informed and Enlightened Citizen in a Global Society

The more time marches on, the more critically this world and the greater Universe desperately call for mankind to awaken to the truth regarding the impending culmination of our greatest existential threat.

(This blogpost was originally posted in June 2021)

ATTENTION - PLEASE NOTE:    I am posting this caveat at the top, as the U. S. Intelligence Community is preventing me from being able to insert a hyperlink!  Pay close attention for the increasing need to observe the biographical educational / employment history of the most ruthless, dangerous, manipulative counterintelligence operatives hiding in plain sight currently, masquerading as watchful protectors, while in truth sugarcoating their poison pill in the hope that you, the uneducated, unassuming, deliberately deceived, misled people of the world will swallow their mass media "pill" in the form of deliberate lies, sacrificing, everything you hold dear "in blood and treasure", along with your concern regarding the prospect of your very future existence on Earth... READ THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION AT THIS URL!:

*** I would like to acknowledge that much of this information is derived specifically from the pioneering work of Dr. Steven M. Greer, M. D., whose integrity and dedication over the past approximate 30 years and personal expenditure of over $12 Million in personal resources, into the formation of the wealth of information compiled in his various projects and copyrighted research, has exponentially augmented my spiritual capabilities.  It is with a humble heart that I present this information, combined with my additional insights and pieces of evidence, to assist in the overall Triumph of the Cause in a spiritual capacity, to disseminate this information as widely as possible in this great time of need.  I additionally revise this document throughout the course of time, and implement changes as become appropriate through the release of future events. ***

Update: In Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind: Contact Has Begun, we learn that:

Studies done in quantum physics wherein a container of Helium was cooled down to absolute zero showed that when only 1% of the container became aligned to coherent, the entire container went through a phase transition, instantly shifting into coherence and taking on almost "magical" properties - a state called superfluidity. 

Thus, 1% of the global population must continuously employ various forms of enlightenment - including CE5 practices - that will form a paradigm shift, and control the Military Industrial Complex Cabal et al. within the remaining 99%.

One extensive transnational misinformation campaign continues to be unfurled, as planned over 70 years ago, reaching exponentially disastrous proportions in the present day -- witnessed through a June 16th, 2021 YouTube interview involving one visually attractive female French author, along with an increasing number of countries apart from the United States, having additionally secured a respective military space command.  After President Biden and the U. S. Senate were manipulated into nominating and confirming Major General Michael Guetlein into the newly re-designated Space Systems Command from the U. S. Space and Missile Systems Center at Los Angeles Air Force Base near Los Angeles, California, USA, the Military Industrial Financial Intelligence Complex Cabal likely fed deceptive indications through a recent (August 2021) Congressional Report detailing alleged deployment of Russian and Chinese laser and microwave weapons in space, et. al.

Seven global entities exist within this Cabal:  United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, Brazil, China and Russia.  The "Combined Force Space Component Command" reportedly utilizes the United States, United Kingdom, Canada and Australia -- four of the seven nations involved in the sub-Rosa transnational Fourth Reich Cabal -- detailed at Wikipedia - Combined Force Space Component Command.  The other three global entities, Brazil, Russia and China, reportedly have joined interests with India and South Africa, in an "urgent call for legally binding International document (Treaty) preventing placement of weapons in outer space"  (

Leaders of Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa (BRICS) urgent call for legally binding International document (Treaty) preventing placement of weapons in outer space (

While France is not typically a country directly involved with one sub-Rosa transnational Fourth Reich RICO Deep National Security State Military Industrial Financial Intelligence Complex Cabal on a political scale, when it comes to the ability to manipulate an individual on a personal level, no nationality is immune.  The added concern employed through various military space command deployments should weigh heavily on the conscience of every discerning world citizen, as the intent of militant individuals is maintained toward the targeting  of advanced, peaceful extraterrestrial civilizations, posed under the guise of hoaxed "threats" by cosmic war profiteer criminals, utilizing clandestine man-made interplanetary spacecrafts,  and sophisticated covert deployments of specialized scalar longitudinal electromagnetic weapons systems et al, in repetitive war crimes against sentient life on earth and the greater Universe.

France was the one Federal Authority whose Constitutional Government elected to initiate a Global CE5 (Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind -- human-initiated peaceful contacts with advanced, enlightened extraterrestrial civilizations through the science of consciousness in the use of transcendent meditative practices) Event -- occurring on French soil, with possibly the foremost authority on the subject of extraterrestrial intelligence -- the founder of the Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind protocols, Dr. Steven M. Greer, M. D.  The decision to manipulate a French author toward providing fear-mongering, psychological warfare implemented deceptions through an assured high financial payoff, would be of paramount opportunity and importance for the transnational Fourth Reich Deep National Security State RICO Military Industrial Financial Intelligence Complex Cabal to greatly complicate comprehensive international interests, regarding the peaceful nature of authentic extraterrestrial encounters, by substituting a false narrative, attacking credibility surrounding such topics involving "Alien Abductions, Galactic Federation, ET Races, and Secret Space Programs''.  This was a calculated, manipulative mechanism engineered to deceive the majority of the global population, utilizing a soft-spoken visually attractive individual, asserting dreadful, xenophobic narratives.  

For those who may not have an invested interest in the subject of, "Alien Abductions, Galactic Federation, ET Races, and Secret Space Programs", et. al. who may not sense how this and the following information is particularly relevant in their respective lives, please recognize that if you elect to forgo learning these specifics, you (and those you care about) will in effect be led as, "lambs to the slaughter."  This is due to the fact that militant, evil individuals seized and have maintained control over the "UFO / Alien" topic / issue, into a "Shadow Government" Deep National Security State -- separated from the World's Constitutional Governments, away from proper oversight of these issues from the U. S. Constitutional Government -- during President Dwight D. Eisenhower's terms in office.

NATO countries such the United Kingdom, France and most recently Germany, have joined the ranks of the United States, through specific implementation of military space commands.  Discerning citizens should carefully scrutinize / objectify a clear risk to benefit analysis process through the creation of such endeavors; mankind remains rather ignorant regarding the destructive nature of the fabric of the universe from nuclear weaponry in higher dimensions, into the reality of non-locality.

On October 4, 2021, Dr. Steven M. Greer, M. D. posted the following important witness testimony on Facebook Watch (the YouTube version has technical issues) regarding astonishing classified technologies at the South Pole:  Dr. Greer interview with witness Eric J. Hecker regarding classified South Pole technologies.

(In Dr. Greer's first documentary, "Sirius", Dr. Steven M. Greer attempted to have an Atacama humanoid figure of unkown DNA origins genetically sequenced, to learn if this miniature skeleton may be of Extraterrestrial origin, or otherwise.  Dr. Garry Nolan, Genetics Technologies Consultant and friend of Dr. Greer, promised to perform an authentic, impartial study for Dr. Steven M. Greer; the U. S. Intelligence Community endowed Dr. Nolan as the first recipient of the Teal Innovator Award from the U. S. Department of Defense, controlled by the largest RICO Cabal in history, further implementing corruption into the specific academic research associated with this particular study, to effectively neutralize the efforts of Dr. Greer, lessening the cultural impact regarding specific Disclosure Project evidence within America and the world at large.

This subject is of such importance that at this precise moment, (November 5, 2021) the U. S. Intelligence Community is preventing me from being able to add this newly found, critically relevant URL as a hyperlink within this blog post:

"To the Stars Academy":  The Team URL:

Further compreshensive assessment(s) may be obtained by watching, The Atacama Cover-Up (Phoenix Lecture Part 1).

Make no mistake; these complicit operatives possess such alarming educational / professional backgrounds including covertly classified Military, U. S. Intelligence Community, Aerospace, Medical and Scientific Academic circles (such as in the specific creation of covert Bio-Weapon technology) -- that their actual biographical backgrounds are considered forbidden, classified knowledge: duly withheld from public disclosure within the corrupt corporate media outlets wherein the public may become aware of it's greatest existential threat, imposed by these seemingly harmless individuals, supposedly providing protection.  Their greedy, Satanic fancies have sold the welfare of the souls of all sentient life forms:  making money from orchestrated military conflicts is highly profitable, and money has effectively led these evil entities away from wisdom, integrity, honesty, protection -- any and all concern regarding the welfare of citizenry around the globe.  

Through routine employment and utilzation of deceptive narratives regarding false "UFO / UAP" media mind control tactics, these cosmic war criminals continue their spiteful, deceptively ruthless xenophobic narratives,  portraying advanced, enlightened 100% peaceful extraterrestrial biological entities increasingly within the guise of National Security "Threat" Concerns, with the covert deployment of clandestine man-made interplanetary aircrafts, enabling fake video footage purposely being thrust into the media circus, spotlighting subtly, advanced counterintelligence tactics, in specific employment of fear-mongering, mind control deep black psychological warfare ops, implemented through increasing allegations regarding the implementation of menacing "UFO / UAP" aerial military engagements, steadily increasing the threat index, and utilized within the context of controlled presentation(s) to an unassuming populace.

In this era, the only truly credible source may be traced within Dr. Steven M. Greer's global impact within his Disclosure Project, et. al.  alongside a currect minority of millions of souls globally, building a worldwide grass roots Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind (CE5) effort, reaching out for Universal Peace as, "One Universe.  One People."  Facist oppressors within the RICO Cabal ensure blacklisting of these efforts from within the mainstream media; and to ensure the survival of our species and Mother Earth, we all must learn to set aside our differences and do our part. 

The Atacama Cover-Up U. S. Intelligence Community Corruption of Academic Research in the Smear Campaign of Dr. Steven M. Greer, by the "To the Stars Academy Rat Pack that has been running scams on the public and the U. S. Government, for decades", was one defining moment toward the fully initiated launch into the 11th Hour of the decades-long covertly planned, COSMIC-9-11 Interplanetary Armageddon scenario -- by and through the evil warfighting cosmic petulant children within the Military Industrial Financial Intelligence Complex Cabal.

[One prominent example includes Mr. Luis Elizondo - Director of Global Security & Special Programs

 -- observed within the mainstream media providing a Deceptive agnostic viewpoint regarding the "UFO / UAP" subject -- "a master counterintelligence" manipulator of the truth --

Luis Elizondo was a career intelligence officer whose work includes the Army, Department of Defense, the National Counterintelligence Executive, and the Director of National Intelligence.  As a former Special Agent In-Charge, Luis conducted and supervised highly sensitive espionage and terrorism investigations around the world.  As an Intelligence Case Officer, he ran clandestine source operations (i. e., sourcing illegal, clandestine Unacknowledged Special Access Project-created man-made interplanetary aircraft, deceptively presented as "unknown aerial phenomenon") Luis also ran a sensitive "aerospace threat identification program" focusing on "unidentified aerial technologies", covertly operating within the Pentagon . Described as a "master of counterintelligence" by those who know him best.]

I would like to express that while all of the information contained herein is exceedingly relevant in the urgency of comprehending a current need to effectively provide a paradigm shift away from the evil intentions of militant psychopaths, hope for humanity exists in 1% of the global population electing to practice positive actions through various enlightening activities [i. e. prayer, meditation, or specific intentions with "CE5" (Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind) protocols et. al., as specifically implemented by Dr. Steven M. Greer], to achieve the desired outcome; a "CE5" App is  available for purchase for $9.99 in both Android and iOS formats, along with other relevant science developed through Dr. Steven M. Greer, M. D.'s "Sirius Technology Advanced Research".

Mankind must become adequately, comprehensively informed to be able to initiate various stages of progress in the implementation toward taking down the "Shadow Government", plaguing mankind and destroying the earth -- whose illegal suppression of numerous technological advances over the past century have prevented specific technologies from peacefully being implemented to solve the devastating climate and energy crises as well as global poverty within one generation, replacing oil, coal, fossil fuels, and nuclear power into a world without pollution; and infrastructure including roads, bridges, tunnels, highways, and even utility companies.  Former U. S. President Donald Trump was effectively their "puppet", whose implementation of the U.S. Space Force as well as the Intelligence Authorization Act 180-day deadline contained within the December 2020 COVID Bill, through the supposed full disclosure of the "UAP / UFO" topic to the U. S. Congress by June 25, 2021 [presented with the assured deception to the U. S. congress, that will accompany the additional deceptive practices within the Military Industrial Financial Intelligence Complex's stranglehold over all corporate mass media propaganda outlets / sources as witnessed recently on "60 Minutes" as well as the strategic use of former President Barack Obama as an unwitting media "pawn" who may have remained ignorant of specific illegal, unconstitutional, super-secret, highly compartmentalized Deep Black-Budget Unacknowledged Special Access Projects (USAPs) that have involved the development of such things as man-made "UAP / UFOs" utilizing "zero-point" / free energy from the quantum vacuum / sea of energy and electrogravitic propulsion systems, that allow these clandestine aircraft to cancel their mass, and hover / levitate; "Programmed Life Forms" (PLFs) -- existing as man-made and controlled biological, artificial life form android "gray / grey alien" et al look-alike  Bots, along with manned paramilitary "animal mutilation" events, "alien abduction" and "alien invasion" squads] present the greatest existential threat the earth has faced, as the very survival of the species of mankind, and the celestial earth hang delicately in the balance.  

On June 16th, 2021, French author Elena Danaan was a guest on the Awakening Cosmic Reality Show, on YouTube.

Since the "abductions" reported in this apparent book and video interview are not reported as deceptive paramilitary deep black ops, but "alien" in nature, I have determined that Elena is an apparent LIAR.^ Dr. Greer., founder of the Disclosure Project and the Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CSETI) and one of the foremost authorities on the subject of extraterrestrial intelligence, has stated that 100% of authentic Extraterrestrial experiences are peaceful in nature -- unless perpetrated through attacks by the Military Industrial Financial Intelligence Complex, such as the intentionally forced downing of "UAP / UFO / USO" crafts, through the use of clandestine scalar longitudinal electromagnetic weapons systems.  Dr. Greer very clearly maintains that 100% of "alien abductions" are false flag, covert paramilitary operations.

^The range of Elena Danaan's assertions go beyond the possible scope of simply having been victimized by covert paramilitary "abduction squads" with her insistence of being knowledgeable, with graphic descriptions accompanying this extensive range of topics.  She speaks of a "Fourth Reich", while not divulging pertinent details regarding the reality of the actual Fourth Reich.  This French author MUST therefore be a media pawn PAID OFF by the REAL Fourth Reich transnational RICO Military Industrial Financial Intelligence Complex Cabal (detailed by Dr. Steven M. Greer in his freely accessible Expose of the National Security State), to specifically provide a false, xenophobic narrative regarding the "gray / grey aliens" vs. the more visually attractive "Nordic aliens", et. al.  Her supposed knowledge of all of these subjects are assuredly deceptive narratives calculated as manipulative psychological warfare tactics, to cause the overwhelming majority of mankind to hate and fear extraterrestrial civilizations.  It is particularly relevant that she is French, because of the French Government's involvement with CE5 Experiences.

As I previously elected to jump ahead to include critical information impacting our world and the greater Universe in the present at the beginning of this post -- I will now continue to provide relevant background information, et. al., which will culminate with the leading up to the present time, in the remainder of this post.

When U.S. Intelligence Communities such as the C. I. A. and N. S. A. began utilizing specific electronic technologies developed in the 1950s*, that enabled them to wrongfully augment "Remote Viewing" capabilities to penetrate higher dimensions of consciousness and existence into non-locality, (literally enabling the seeing of distant worlds and otherworldly civilizations), their comprehension of the spiritual impact of specific Extraterrestrial Biological Entities from various other planets on earth within highly-classified circles enabled them to specifically inaugurate a detailed intention of ultimately targeting  / vilifying advanced, enlightened 100% peaceful extraterrestrial civilizations (whose spiritual impact on evil individuals was seen as undesirable), and carefully calculate manipulative protocols to carry out their main objectives.  Since the time of WWII, repetitive Deep Black Deceptive "Indication & Warning [I&W (False Flag)]" military conflicts have been initiated by cosmic war profiteer criminals, perpetrated to continually manipulate policymakers into the justification of the continual expansion and further enrichment of the Military Industrial Financial Intelligence Complex.  On October 8, 1955,* General Douglas MacArthur exposed the fact that interplanetary conflict was on the horizon of the Military Industrial Financial Intelligence Complex, and additionally provided a deceptive narrative regarding potential extraterrestrial "threat(s)", when he said:

"The nations of the world will have to unite, for the next war will be an interplanetary war.  The nations of the Earth must someday make a common front against attack by people from other planets." 

I actually identify as a Cosmic Entity (soul) inside this Human Frame in my personal life, as my life history spiritually equips me as possessing "a recompense in another world"° as indicated in Bahá'i scripture; therefore, in maintaining the divine synchronicity woven throughout my personal life, I came across "National Geographic:  Mars Inside SpaceX" with Elon Musk, et. al. on June 19, 2021, for streaming.  At 14:58 the 1959 Titan I Rocket fails; and at 15:32 the 1998 Titan IV Rocket fails, respectively.

--- This led to my locating the following information from the Internet on June 19, 2021, clearly establishing a disturbing narrative regarding the targeting of Titan / Saturn, when combined with specific detailed information, around 70 years ago! ---


The Titan family was established in **October 1955when the U.S. Air Force awarded the then, Martin Company, a contract to build a heavy-duty space system. It became known as the Titan I, the nation's first two-stage intercontinental ballistic missile and first underground silo-based ICBM."

It is therefore not coincidental that we currently experience a time frame wherein the specific sub-Rosa plan to vilify extraterrestrials continues to be unfurled 70 or so years later, through corrupt individuals within the U. S. Intelligence, Financial and Military Communities having duly censored and implemented a stranglehold over the corporately controlled mass media into propaganda sources -- continuing to release various deceptive, fear-mongering psychological warfare tactics and misinformation campaigns, at a time wherein numerous tightly compartmentalized super-secret, unconstitutional, illegal Unacknowledged Special Access Projects (USAPs) have fully equipped various war profiteers to implement the means to bring about full-scale destructive forces to realize their eschatological Armageddon fantasies.

Due to the impact of an existential threat from various war profiteers / cosmic criminals within the corporate military sector having seized proper oversight surrounding the "UAP / UFO" issue / topic out of the control of the U.S. constitutional government and congress during President Eisenhower's terms in office, President Eisenhower issued a concise, stern warning shortly before leaving office, in January 1961:

"In the councils of Government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the Military Industrial Complex.  The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists, and will persist.  We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes.  We should take nothing for granted.  Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals so that security and liberty may prosper together."

The Federal Reserve Financial Empire, entrenched in various oil interests, effectively became a large component within the existence of one "Shadow Government" militant transnational Fourth Reich RICO Cabal Entity -- headquartered in the United States, with additional representation in the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, Brazil, China and Russia -- with whom assisted various Deep Black-Budget funding within the increasingly private, Corporatized Military Industrial Complex Sector.  This Cabal served to gain evermore control over the Deep National Security State within the United States, et. al. over time, becoming more and more ruthless with rogue, complicit operatives engaging specific implementation of numerous illegal, unconstitutional, super-secret, tightly compartmentalized Unacknowledged Special Access Projects.

Consider this disclosure from the former head of corporate military contractor Lockheed Skunkworks in 1993:

"We already have the means to travel around the stars, but these technologies are locked up in black projects and it would take an act of God to ever get them out to benefit humanity.

-- Ben Rich, former head of Lockheed Skunkworks, 1975 - 1991; UCLA School of Engineering Alumni Speech, March 23, 1993

During the Iran Contra Scandal, the existence of this "Shadow Government" was exposed:

"There exists a shadowy government with its own Air Force, its own Navy, its own fundraising mechanism, and its own ability to pursue its own ideas of the national interest, free from all checks and balances, and free from the law itself."  

-- Hawaiian, U. S. Senator Daniel K. Inouye.  

Due to the subtly increasing exposure regarding various xenophobic representations of extraterrestrials over time within the Military Industrial Financial Intelligence Complex-infiltration and stranglehold over corporate mass media outlets / propaganda sources, mankind has already been exposed to at least one probable "Programmed Life Form (PLF)" representation of a "gray / grey alien" through the September 25, 2018 corporate Fox News propaganda, further presenting the idea that extraterrestrials might exist on **Titan at Saturn**, utilizing specific fear-mongering psychological warfare lighting and color techniques in the presentation of the dark, mysterious look-alike "gray / grey Zeta alien" probable "Programmed Life Form" juxtaposed by a scary looking Saturn, in the accompanying photograph.  Additional fear-mongering psychological warfare techniques were utilized in the production methods employed within the specific sounds / music, lighting and picture movement qualities re: the presentation of Saturn and the expanse of space, in a video accompanying this photograph and corporate Fox News article.  The fact that such "aliens" weren't included in the video from Fox News, is indicative of the deception inherent through covert creation of specific "Programmed Life Forms" (PLFs):

A more scientific report may be examined from September 25, 2018 at:

September 25, 2018 - Space Daily: Dust storms on Titan spotted by Cassini for the first time

These "gray / grey alien" probable "Programmed Life Forms", closely resemble one specific 2001 painting with a stoic representation of a "Zeta" Extraterrestrial Biological Entity, from artist Josi Galante, shared publicly on Facebook in 2010:

This painting, with its containment of a hexagonal background, closely associates "Zeta" extraterrestrial biological entities with Saturn, as seen through numerous NASA Photographs displaying Saturn's Hexagonal North Polar Vortex.  I believe complicit operatives within the U.S. Intelligence Community have literally seen these "aliens" in their corrupt "Remote Viewing" practices, enabling the creation of look-alike "Programmed Life Forms" as exposed within the media, that have likely additionally been planned for specific deceptive incorporations within manned paramilitary "alien abduction" and / or "alien invasion" squads, et. al.  Please Note:  NASA has been instructed / forced to airbrush out all indications of respective Extraterrestrial Vehicles [ETVs ("UAP / UFOs")] and Extraterrestrial Biological Entities ("aliens") from their photographs before releasing them into the public domain.

NASA Photograph PIA 20502, "View from Above":

On March 2, 2021, two unverified linked accounts on Twitter and Facebook claiming to be the "Official Twitter of the U. S. Space Force" and "The United States Space Force Satire / Parody" on Facebook additionally posted a photoshopped photograph containing the identical probable "Programmed Life Form" android bot head previously exposed by Fox News corporate propaganda attached to a human body.  This photoshopped photograph of a probable PLF android bot head to a human body, was initiated as a specific psychological warfare attack on individuals existing as cosmic entities [souls] inside human bodies, as described within specific Bahá'i scripture.  These social accounts were additionally unverified to provide an anonymous platform for various war profiteers / cosmic criminals to initiate harassment, to an extent wherein they could not officially be held responsible for psychological warfare attacks, or to have said to officially be targeting Titan / Saturn.  It seems rather clear that the U. S. Space Force within the scope of the Military Industrial Financial Intelligence Complex (including additional directional capabilities within the U. S.' National Reconnaissance Office super-secret spy satellites and weaponry deployment mechanisms), has been and will continue to target the celestial body of Saturn's largest moon Titan, likely under the guise of some hoaxed need for "protection".

[ account currently "suspended by Twitter" as noted on June 1st, 2021; and the associated Facebook account at are still active.]

The overall negative impact related to specific deceptions in the implementation of fear-mongering psychological warfare xenophobic practices in the representation of "aliens" [as witnessed recently on Disney + (in the upcoming Marvel "Secret Invasion", et. al.) and at least one recently released video game on various gaming platforms ("Destroy All Humans!")], along with deceptions regarding the filming and presentation of man-made and controlled "UAP / UFOs'' as hoaxed "threats'' in place of authentic Extraterrestrial Vehicles (ETVs), and the continual lies from complicit Military Industrial Financial Intelligence Complex operatives in regard to not comprehending the specific technologies and physics associated in various "UAP / UFOs", and their actual origin within compromised corporate mass media interviews / misinformation in resulting propaganda, should not be underestimated.  Deceptive "Indication & Warning [I&W (False Flag)]" Deep Black Ops continue to be unfurled in the long history of military deceptive practices, initiated to manipulate policymakers such as the US President, et. al. into the justification of further financial expenditures being placed into the continual enrichment of the Military Industrial Financial Intelligence Complex -- such as has occurred with just about every modern military-initiated conflict, involving the United States.  As one apparent witness came forward before his death regarding personally having witnessed inside plans to 9-11 in Vice President Dick Cheney's office days before the event, specific "Shadow Government'' Operatives have additionally been elected into constitutional government positions at times, greatly complicating the issue of National / Global Security.

As the political Bush family and Donald Rumsfeld were additionally complicit in the 9-11 World Trade Center Attacks, it is particularly relevant how Donald Rumsfeld issued a press release on September 10th, 2001 -- the day immediately before 9-11 -- regarding the fact that $2.3 Trillion had gone unaccounted for within the Pentagon's budget.  This money would assuredly have been placed into the Deep Black-Budget for the creation of illegal, unconstitutional Unacknowledged Special Access Projects, by the Deep National Security State.  It is important to note how Donald Rumsfeld only gave one day for any recognition of this matter, for potentially concerned individuals to respond to the news regarding the unaccounted $2.3 Trillion, while likely possessing very little concern regarding this press release, with the impending 9-11 World Trade Center Attacks virtually removing any and all concentrated attention of concern away from the previous day's news.

As stated by former President Eisenhower, "we should take nothing for granted", including the fact that other nations on earth may falsely be implicated, or play a "Shadow Government" role in -- the presentation of various hoaxed "threats" as indicated from other nations on earth, or from space.

Dr. Greer's 1995 paper, National Security Implications of the UFO / ETI Subject, is particularly relevant.  For the Military Industrial Financial Intelligence Complex Cabal, serves to threaten the security of Earth's Nations, due to having maintained exclusivity in the secrecy surrounding these subjects.  Although former U. S. President Donald Trump did not succeed in obtaining a second term, the "Storm" as promised by "Q" (a US Military Industrial Financial Intelligence Complex operative, likely still employed within their respective covertly hidden position) to the "Q-Anons", continues to be implemented by rogue, complicit Military Industrial Financial Intelligence Complex operatives, who told the "Q-Anons" to "TRUST THE PLAN".  It should be noted, that the OPERATIE WORD is PLAN, as the specific plan to initiate interplanetary conflicts against peaceful Extraterrestrial Biological Entities, has been PLANNED since the 1940s or '50s, and with which mankind is steadily approaching the 11th Hour of this PLANNED "STORM".  As I am fully versed with specific details regarding the "Q-Anon" conspiracy theory, I am convinced that "Q" was created specifically to form the "Q-Army" of unwitting patriots that would be willing to sacrifice their souls and lives for their "PROMISED SAVIOR" (spiritually delusional eschatologists believe their man-made militant Armageddon scenario will hasten their "Return of Christ", and cannot comprehend how Christ's essence was Resurrected through Muhammad in the Islamic Faith, and the Báb and Bahá'u'lláh within the Bahá'i Faith), eventually being led to various planned positions, such as joining the US Space Force, et. al. and going to war against hoaxed "alien threat(s)". 

On April 8, 2021, the United States Space Force disclosed specific plans to re-designate the US Space and Missile Systems Center at Los Angeles Air Force Base, near Los Angeles, California into the new Space Systems Command / U. S. Space Force Field Command / STARCOM by summer 2021, roughly the same time frame wherein the Director of National Intelligence / Pentagon, et. al. will assuredly present advanced, enlightened 100% peaceful extraterrestrial civilizations as various hoaxed "threats", through deception regarding supposed "UAP / UFO" Phenomenon.  In the April 8, 2021 press statement, the United States Space Force stated specific deceptions, including -- among others -- a hoaxed need "to move at speed in delivering the resilient capabilities necessary to stay ahead of a growing threat."

Current Structure of the U. S. Space and Missile Systems Center as of April 8th, 2021.

Projected re-designated Structure of the Violent Space Systems Command / U. S. Space Force Field Command / STARCOM for summer 2021.

In this news article, the following is stated:  "One of the required conditions to establish SSC will be met after a USSF general officer is nominated by the President and confirmed by the U. S. Senate to fill the position of the three-star general officer SSC commander."

Let's unite as a global civilization, with U. S. Citizens contacting their constitutional government leaders in the executive (White House) and legislative branches, and express just how tired mankind is, of endless war.  Let us all come together and recognize that a Space Force will never be able to protect us from any sophisticated weapons -- i. e. biological weapons -- that would exist, if there truly were other variously assessed "threats"!  As the U. S. Military intentionally murdered extraterrestrials in the 1940s (through the forced downing of Extraterrestrial Vehicles by the specific deployment of clandestine scalar longitudinal electromagnetic weapons systems closest to Corona, New Mexico, USA vs. Roswell, NM, USA), novel Coronaviruses are natural occurrences.

"Know thou that every fixed star hath its own planets, and every planet its own creatures, whose number no man can compute."

-- Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá'u'lláh

On July 16, 2021, the following statement was released, indicating that U. S. President Joseph R. Biden apparently nominated Maj. Gen. Michael Guetlein to be the U.S. Space Systems Command's first field commander.  Since 2019, Maj. Gen. Michael Guetlein has been deputy director of the National Reconnaissance Office.  We must contact our Senators, and demand that the Space Force be decommissioned, versus allowing the nomination of Maj. Gen. Michael Guetlein to additionally be confirmed by the U. S. Senate!

Major General Michael Guetlein nominated to lead USSF Space Systems Command

We must demand that the "UAP / UFO / Alien / ET" subject / issues (including the specific technological advances related to clandestine interplanetary aircraft are brought into the public domain, due to the fact that the consequences that have resulted through the climate and energy crises, as well as world poverty are bringing the earth to a breaking point) be implemented back into the control of duly elected world constitutional governments, vs. the "Shadow Government" transnational Fourth Reich RICO Cabal, that additionally has seized the power over the US armed forces, into its creation of The Deep National Security State -- the actual "Deep State" purported to exist by former U. S. President Donald Trump, et. al.  We must prevent those who currently possess the intent and power to initiate actions on behalf of all U.S. Citizens and the global population without their informed consent, bypassing any real concern for the welfare of the earth or its nations while ensuring the complete decimation of the planet itself (as has been witnessed in the past century by the illegal suppression of advanced technologies) -- into what is comprehended as an "Extinction-Level Event", from succeeding in their evil objectives.  We must set aside our differences, with the additional realization that all extraterrestrial biological entities in possession of requisite technologies to appear on or around earth in reality possess strictly advanced, enlightened 100% peaceful motives.

U. S. Citizens should send the following link to Dr. Steven M. Greer, M. D.'s 1999 paper, When Disclosure Serves Secrecy to all respective congressional and senatorial leaders, to enable them to adequately and comprehensively become educated regarding the planned deception that will assuredly be presented in the upcoming Director of National Intelligence / Pentagon, et. al. report to congress, due by the June 25, 2021 deadline -- and additionally for further reference into the rapidly approaching future, since President Biden and the U. S. Senate effectively possesses a certain amount of power over the U. S. Space Force.

Watch the documentary films, Sirius free on Dr. Greer's YouTube Channel; "Unacknowledged:  An Exposé of the World's Greatest Secret" and "Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind:  Contact Has Begun", both included with Amazon Prime or otherwise free via the Tubi App; and "The Cosmic Hoax: An Exposé", available for open-source streaming and download.

Further educate all friends, family and personal work and social contacts, so that mankind as a whole may demand that appropriate actions are implemented to not allow various disturbed, psychopathic war profiteers / cosmic criminals to wrongfully initiate an interplanetary WWIII, under the guise of some "asteroid threat" or further "alien threat" hoaxed agenda, or various other hoaxed "threats" aimed on ensuring the Military Industrial Financial Intelligence Complex receives a "blank check" . . .  The inherent realities of quantum physics detail how the destruction of any one celestial body would equate to the destruction of the entire celestial earth, through non-locality.

Individuals may learn additional information, and freely access further documentation from the integrous, pioneering work of Dr. Steven M. Greer, M. D., whose exhaustive, tireless dedication to these subjects over the approximate past 30 years along with the expenditure of over $12 Million in personal resources, has disclosed the various truths regarding the complexities detailed herein on Dr. Greer's Official Website and YouTube Channel.  Those individuals seeking concrete evidence may purchase copies of various media from Dr. Greer's Official Store.  Out of the five books Dr. Greer has written, three books specifically contain relevant evidence:  (1) ©1999 "Extraterrestrial Contact:  The Evidence and Implications"; (2) ©2001 "Disclosure:  Military and Government Witnesses Reveal the Greatest Secrets in Modern History"; and (3) © 2017 "Unacknowledged:  An Exposé of the World's Greatest Secret".  Dr. Greer's additional books, (4) ©2006 "Hidden Truth --  Forbidden Knowledge:  It is Time for You to Know", is a biography transcribed from an oral presentation, and the foundation for the documentary "Sirius"; and (5) ©2009 "Contact:  Countdown to Transformation -- the CSETI Experience 1992 - 2009", includes a plethora of field experiences with the Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CSETI).

Become educated and encourage world governmental leaders to sign the Treaty on the Prevention of the Placement of Weapons in Outer Space, ensuring the only survivable mechanism for mankind's future -- Universal Peace. 

Link to Dr. Steven M. Greer's freely accessible April 14, 2021 appearance on the "Danica Patrick Pretty Intense:

Update:  I joined Dr. Greer's CE5 Ambassador platform, as a Cosmic Level Ambassador, in June 2021.  After sharing various media propaganda in the monthly face-to-face Zoom briefing regarding Titan, corporate media propaganda was released on July 7, 2021, newly targeting Saturn's moon Enceladus as potentially harboring life.  Although NASA sent the Cassini Huygens spacecreaft into it's death plunge on September 15, 2017 almost 20 years from it's initial launch on October 15, 1997, the "Shadow Government" is wont to list Cassini Huygens as their source of information almost 4 years later, as their basis for this new assertion:

On August 6, 2021, I streamed "The Suicide Squad" via HBOMax, scheduled to be available for streaming through September 5, 2021 in its initial offering, while simultaneously available in U. S. theaters, and possibly elsewhere.  This movie portrayed vast misinformation related to extraterrestrials potentially being a "threat", as well as through alleged culpability being derived from the U. S. Government, by conducting fictitious illegal experiments in an island nation called, "Corto Maltese".

At one point in the movie, one such "Suicide Squad superhero" initiates plans to steal inside information contained on a computer hard drive, and subsequently release this information into the press, as he believes that all people have a right to know the truth of the disturbing matter.  However, this is additionally misinformative, as the press is controlled by Corporations and additionally has duly been infiltrated by the Intelligence Community within the U. S. and elsewhere with whom verily influence and otherwise control the narrative in Hollywood film production(s), causing the overwhelming majority of the population to believe we have a free press, and are therefore the ultimate harbingers of deception through specific fear-mongering psychological warfare practices involving misinformation, et. al.  

Upon my personal recognition that this film would be portraying Extraterrestrial Biological Entities in a "threatening" manner, my instinct was to immediately cease watching this movie.  However, I stuck with watching this film to be able to critique the misinformation, and misrepresentation of Extraterrestrials in Hollywood.  It is critically imperative that mankind not allow these misrepresentations to influence each individual into feeling threatened by the prospect of sentient life sharing our Universe, and allow themselves requisite time being spent undertaking matters that enable this world to benefit from enlightening endeavors, versus all-consuming vices.  We are not here to merely seek the physical comforts of this earthly existence; but rather to transform the life of our souls through spiritual deeds in preparation for the eternal afterlife, wherein our souls will join those souls from various other planets, all of which are inhabited by otherworldly creatures, in possession of strictly enlightened, peaceful motives, when capable of traveling on or around Earth and our moon.

I would like to assert that I verily experience no coincidences in the divine fabric of my life, and therefore possess hope that people will trust the inherent divine spiritual wisdom and insight unfolding in my life.  Born on a military base in southern California, at the current age of 46 it is my apparent spiritual obligation to assist the 46th President of the United States as Commander in Chief of the US armed forces, to ultimately decommission the Space Force, whose plans released on April 8, 2021 detailed the specific intention to re-designate the U. S. Space and Missile Systems Center at Los Angeles Air Force Base near Los Angeles, California into the new Space Systems Command / U. S. Space Force Field Command / STARCOM by Summer 2021.

Update:  In Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind:  Contact Has Begun, we learn that:

Studies done in quantum physics wherein a container of Helium was cooled down to absolute zero showed that when only 1% of the container became aligned to coherent, the entire container went through a phase transition, instantly shifting into coherence and taking on almost "magical" properties - a state called superfluidity. 

Thus, 1% of the global population must continuously employ various forms of enlightenment - including CE5 practices - that will form a paradigm shift, and control the Military Industrial Complex Cabal et al. within the remaining 99%.

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