PLEASE NOTE: All Extraterrestrial Biological Entities with the requisite technology to travel on or around Earth, possess strictly advanced, enlightened, peaceful motives. The only "threat" to mankind, exists within covert and overt Militant actions wrongfully perpetrated world-wide by the Deep National Security State. These are in effect "the foxes guarding the henhouse", pretending to employ actions representative of ensuring the safety and wellfare of human lives.
The United States of America’s incorporation of the Eagle, is reflected and represented within the U. S. Corporation of 1870, altering the content of the original constitution for the United States of America, into the creation of the new Constitution of the United States of America, altering many of the freedoms Americans are led to believe they still possess, including the implementation of the sovereignty of each individual, being incorporated as "Citizens" of the U. S. Corporate State -- as witnessed in the 14th Amendment, et. al.
The additonal influence from a British Banking Cartel's incorporation of the U. S. Federal Reserve Cartel, enabled an undue amount of influence from various complicit individuals, within this once independent nation.
Specific political structures of left and right-wing politics in America, no longer possess the inherent power to prevent rogue militant actions by a “Shadow Government'' -- since nefarious secret societies are concealed within the structure of this “Shadow Government” sub-Rosa transnational Fourth Reich Military Industrial Financial Intelligence Complex Cabal. Corporate American politics, regardless of “right-wing” and / or “left-wing” political affiliations – including but not limited to Presidential Decisions and Policy-making impacting the Military as Commander in Chief of the U. S.' Armed Forces – will not alter these malevolent militaristic agendas, behind the destructive forces of repetitive targeting and attacking of Extraterrestrial Biological Entities, in both Earth and space domains, et. al. This disturbing insertion of, "Full Spectrum Dominance", will increasingly require the build-up of a global civilization, deceived into sacrificing "blood and treasure".
American Presidents repeatedly are the subject of manipulation, by the Military Industrial Financial Intelligence Complex Cabal regardless of political affiliation, as recently witnessed through the implementation of the U. S. Space Force by President Trump and Trump's directive toward the supposed declassification of matters pertaining to "UFO / USO / UAP" craft, and the nomination and confirmation of previous National Reconnaissance Office director Major General Michael Guetlein into the position of the first field commander of the newly established U. S. Space Systems Command, by President Biden and the Corporate U. S. Senate. These manipulations enabled the creation of an additional rogue U. S. Space Force Military Branch, along with the re-designation of the former U. S. Space and Missile Systems Center, at Los Angeles Air Force Base, near Los Angeles, CA, USA.
An additional example of the manipulation that occurs within the Executive Office of the U. S. Presidency, may be witnessed through this quote by former President Ronald Reagan, in this specific address to the United Nations in 1987:
“Perhaps we need some outside universal threat to make us recognize this common bond. I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world.”
The existence of the Central Intelligence Agency within the United States, was specifically derived from the Office of Strategic Services, regarding the subject and issue of Extraterrestrial Vehicles and Extraterrestrial Intelligence. All C. I. A. operations conducted within the United States are illegal based on the National Security Act of 1947. The notion of a "free press" within the United States is an absolute falsehood, as witnessed within the following quotes:
“The CIA owns everyone of any significance in the major media.”
– William Colby, Former CIA Director
“We’ll know our disinformation is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”
– William Casey, Former CIA Director
“The business of the journalist is to destroy the truth; to lie outright; to vilify; to fawn at the feet of mammon, and to sell his country and his race for his daily bread. You know it and I know it and what folly is this toasting an independent press? We are the tools and vassals of rich men behind the scenes. We are the jumping jacks, they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes.”
– John Swinton, Former Managing Editor
The New York Times and New York Sun
The key to counterintelligence, lies in:
1) Putting out enough information, that it seems plausible, surrounded by excessive amounts of disinformation, and / or 2) Establishing and providing deceptive narrative(s). I witness both forms of counterintelligence tactics being employed, in the formation of the “Q-Anon” Hoax Conspiracy, as well as Propaganda sources of additional hoaxes, in the Intelligence-Community Corrupted and Controlled, Corporate Media outlets within the U. S., and elsewhere. These include but are not limited to, the appearance of biological, artificial man-made and controlled, “Programmed Life Form (PLF)” android "alien / ET" Bots, as well as alternative fuel and propulsion system-utilizing man-made interplanetary aircraft, often referred to as, “Alien Reproduction Vehicles” or ARVs.
The agenda to ultimately vilify advanced, enlightened, 100% peaceful extraterrestrial civilizations, may be traced back to at least the 1940s and ‘50s. "Anti-gravity” vehicles brought into the U. S. through the C. I. A.’s “Operation Paperclip” at the end of WWII, along with the forced downing of Extraterrestrial Vehicles and murder of Extraterrestrial Biological Entities in 1947 closest to Corona, NM (more commonly referred to as "The Roswell Incident") and subsequently, further enabled the United States of America to engage in reverse-engineering processes of so-called “Alien Reproduction Vehicles”, et. al. Throughout time, military contracts were increasingly outsourced into the privatized Corporate sector, enabling the United States Corporation to incorporate numerous illegal, unconstitutional, super-secret and tightly compartmentalized, “Unacknowledged Special Access Projects”, in the creation of “Programmed Life Forms” and “Alien Reproduction Vehicles” et. al., while simultaneously employing a gradual build-up of subtly increasing fear-mongering xenophobic, threatening depictions, of Extraterrestrial Biological Entities -- thrust upon an ignorant and unassuming global population, leading up to the ultimate “alien threat” agenda.
This fact is reflected in this quote, from October 8, 1955:
“The nations of the world will have to unite, for the next war will be an interplanetary war. The nations of the Earth must someday make a common front against attack by people from other planets.”
– General Douglas MacArthur
Repetitive deceptive militant agendas have additionally long been implemented, in the ever-increasing financial enrichment of the Military Industrial Financial Intelligence Complex Cabal.
Because counterintelligence operations had been steadily outlined with gradually increasing subliminally threatening counterintelligence tactics, the indications and implications of deception employed by numerous complicit operatives over the course of many decades, was exceedingly difficult to detect.
Dr. Carol Rosin, spokesperson for the late Wernher von Braun and creator of the "Peace In Space" website, relayed a SPECIFIED PLAN in Dr. Steven M. Greer, M. D.'s May 9, 2001 Disclosure Project National Press Club Event that was communicated to her by Wernher von Braun in 1974, the "LAST CARD" of which would be, "THE EXTRATERRESTRIAL THREAT" -- ALL OF WHICH WAS BASED ON DECEPTION. Wernher von Braun informed Carol Rosin, that there would be many alleged enemies, "against whom we're going to build this space-based weapons system."
This PLAN, was broken down into the following stages:
1) The U. S. S. R. -- resulting in the nuclear arms race during the Cold War
2) Terrorists -- which was especially realized, through the orchestration of the September 11, 2001 U. S. World Trade Center Attacks, over 4 months after this disclosure.
3) Third-World Countries, later affirmed as, "Rogue Nations or Nations of Concern".
4) "Asteroids Threats" -- the alleged growing concern of which we currently bear witness unto (i. e. "A large asteroid will pass by Earth this week. Should we worry?")
5) "The Extraterrestrial Threat" -- inching closer to realization, as witnessed through media insertion of probable "Programmed Life Forms" and clandestine man-made interplanetary aircraft in place of supposed "UFOs / USOs / UAPs" [authentic ET crafts are referred to as Extraterrestrial Vehicles (ETVs) by the NSA] into the Intelligence-Community controlled Corporate Mass Media alongside false agnosticism by complicit operatives such as Luis Elizondo, et. al.
An online source from July 15, 2021 regarding Germany becoming the latest NATO member to establish a military space command, stated the following: "...the heads of state pointed to the increasing space capabilities of Russia, China, and India, claiming the development of anti-satellite (ASAT) missiles and directed-energy weapons had imperiled US satellites like never before. In fact, the US has long possessed such ASAT weapons, but between GPS navigation, guided munitions, communications, and cloud-based information exchange by US and partner forces, satellites have become indispensable to how they wage war.
Russia, China and India have all denied they have any intent to militarize space as the US claims, saying it's the US who is creating an arms race in space."
For individuals wishing to obtain a comprehensive knowledge base surrounding the background of several assertions made within this post, Dr. Steven M. Greer's freely accessible Exposé of the National Security State on YouTube, and various crowd-sourced documentaries are additionally available. These documentaries include: "Sirius", free on Dr. Greer's YouTube Channel; "Unacknowledged: An Exposé of the World's Greatest Secret" and "Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind: Contact Has Begun", both included with Amazon Prime or otherwise free via the Tubi App; and "The Cosmic Hoax: An Exposé", available for open-source streaming and download.
Those individuals seeking additional information may freely access various media, sourced within Dr. Greer's Copyrighted Papers. Additional media may be purchased directly from Dr. Greer's Official Store.
Disclosure with Dr. Steven Greer, featuring ten current episodes, is also available on the Gaia streaming platform.
(Corporate-Media Blacklisted Biographical Employment Histories of many complicit operatives, including that of Luis Elizondo, may be perused at:
The true Intentions of "Q", concealed within the masterful combination of specific psychological warfare and deception-induced counterintelligence tactics, will necessitate the insertion of an Army of unwitting patriots, henceforth being obtained from the "Q-Anon / Q-Army" potential, with the induction of expertly crafted psychological-warfare-induced "us versus them" mentalities, easily transferable into the further extrapolation process regarding specific deceptions, and false agnosticism employed within xenophobic representation of peaceful extraterrestrial biological entities, and man-made inter planetary aircraft(s), as various alleged "threats".
During the Iran Contra Hearings, part of this “Shadow Government” was exposed:
“There exists a shadowy Government with its own Air Force, its own Navy, its own fundraising mechanism, and the ability to pursue its own ideas of the national interest, free from all checks and balances, and free from the law itself.”
Hawaiian, U. S. Senator Daniel K. Inouye
Dr. Steven M. Greer's 1995 paper, National Security Implications of the UFO / ETI Subject, is particularly relevant. For the Military Industrial Financial Intelligence Complex Cabal, serves to threaten the security of Earth's Nations, due to having maintained exclusivity in the secrecy surrounding these subjects. Although former U. S. President Donald Trump did not succeed in obtaining a second term, the "Storm" as promised by "Q" (a Military Industrial Financial Intelligence Complex operative, likely still employed within their respective covertly hidden position) to the "Q-Anons", continues to be implemented by rogue, complicit Military Industrial Financial Intelligence Complex operatives, who told the "Q-Anons" to "TRUST THE PLAN". It should be noted, that the OPERATIVE WORD is PLAN, as the specific plan to initiate interplanetary conflicts against peaceful Extraterrestrial Biological Entities, has been PLANNED since at least the 1940s or '50s, and with which mankind is experiencing the 11th Hour of this PLANNED "STORM". As I am fully versed with specific details regarding the "Q-Anon" conspiracy theory, I am convinced that "Q" was created specifically to form the "Q-Army" of unwitting patriots that would be willing to sacrifice their souls and lives for their "PROMISED SAVIOR" (spiritually delusional eschatologists believe their man-made militant Armageddon scenario will hasten their "Return of Christ", and cannot comprehend how Christ's essence was Resurrected through Muhammad in the Islamic Faith, and the Báb and Bahá'u'lláh within the Bahá'í Faith), eventually being manipulated into various planned positions, such as joining the US Space Force, et. al. and going to war against hoaxed "alien threat" agenda(s), ensuring the further enrichment of the European Banking Cabal's Corporate investment, in Military Industrial Weaponry, and specifications of classified weapons within the scope of the U. S.' National Reconnaissance Office's directorial dictations of the "Combined Force Space Component Command", which utilizes the United States, United Kingdom, Canada and Australia -- four of the seven global entities involved in the sub-Rosa transnational Fourth Reich Cabal.
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